
Saturday, June 26, 2010


Parts of today were wonderful! It is amazing to have all my siblings here.

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I hung out with my one of my awesome sisters! She is so smart, creative, and fun, and such a good little mama. M played really hard today and went to bed late. As a result she had several meltdowns during our gown down time. Dad washed tons of dishes for me. I still had some to wash. I sacrificed relaxing with my sweetheart to get them done, but it feels so much better knowing I don't have quite as much house work in the morning. That means more time with my little sweeties. Oh, and I got another squash!

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Monday, June 14, 2010


Random tidbits from today:
I harvested the first two squash from my garden!

For lunch M ate two turkey sausage patties and a yogurt drink-ugh.

J is such a good baby! He's flexible with his naps; and he's generally happy. However, he does want to be held all the time.

M and I are getting so excited for B and G to get here! Yay!

Had a guy come look at the ac- not fixable-it was 90 degrees in our house today. Oh well. Wah wah wah, right?

Here is the first time m wrote her name (few days ago). - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Sorry I let it go too long, Mom; but here is a pic of one of the zuchs from your garden. (Don't worry the rest were not that big.)

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Things I'm grateful


My sweet baby
My precious not-so-toddler-now girl
My husband-who carries heavy burdens
Dishwashers that drain
The magnolias, the mamosas, and the gardenias that are all in bloom right now-I love MS!
A family that prays and fasts together
Junk food
Laughing in the rain
That I get to see my sister really soon!
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