We had a glorious weather day last week! Look: short sleeves! It was heaven! We stayed outside and procrastinated homework and housework and supper to soak up some rays! It was really nice. I have three things to post about today. So here is my first: playing in the sandbox. Included in this little "item of business" is a new-found pet peeve of mine: other children getting in my children's picture. This has happened in M's class and anytime we are outside. Note to children: if I want you in my picture, I will invite you! While it is nice to get a snapshot of their friends, there is just something about it that urks me. Maybe it is just too much of an invasion!
Anywho, I couldn't get Little Miss P to look up. She was so interested in feeling the sand. (Plus I have to watch her carefully or she will try to throw it and eat it).
Second item of importance: super heroes! We love them around here! J got a very nice set for Christmas and we have been wary to let him open them because we want them to stay nice. Well, the other day he stood on a chair in front of his dresser (where I keep them) and just looked at them for nearly ten minutes. Now anyone who knows J understands that this is something of a miracle. J being still for ten minutes? What? We talked about them for a minute and then I left to go do something and when he never came out I went in to check on him and he was still standing there-staring! He asked me to get them out, and I made him wait for Dad, cuz that's his department! So, he patiently awaited Daddy's return and once little Miss P left they opened them! He was so happy!
Nothing like a few blurry action shots...
Now for my #3-who is actually my #1! My sweet husband! Our anniversary is coming up and I just want to let the world know what a great guy I am so lucky to have! Recently I have been extra grateful that I can trust him. Also, I so appreciate his thoughtfulness to me. When I am snoozing on the couch, being a lazy bum, he doesn't judge me or wake me up. He is quiet and tells me to go back to sleep! He works so hard for our family-bettering himself with a good education while making sure we have what we need. He is a walking encyclopedia and loves to learn. And I love that about him. Everywhere he goes people love him! He can make a crowd laugh, is tactful, and is sensitive to others. We have made it through some fun times and some tough times. We have lived in six different places, had ten different jobs (between the two of us), and had two amazing and beautiful children together. And, our most difficult feat: we make and eat dinner, get homework done, baths, stories, and get the kids to bed every. single. night! I am so thankful to be on this journey of life together with him. I hope to be able to live my life in such a way that he wants to stay with me for the rest of it. You know the old saying, "find joy in the journey"? Well, its not so hard with this handsome guy! Love you, babe!