
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Pie Anyone?

November brought us a pie eating contest:
 M was the only child who really participated. She had so much fun and thought it was hilarious!

One of our favorite outings is going to our local theatre. We can each get a treat, a drink, and a ticket for under $20! It's a deal! M got Milk Duds "like Grandmoma!" She also saves her treat until the movie starts-unlike J who tears into his cotton candy the second he sits down!

This is what my desk at work looks like on Fridays! So much paper work!

A dear sister in our ward volunteered to give M cake decorating lessons so here they are on the first one:

 M had so much fun and used every. single. tip!

I think my favorite moment of the day is the evening time when we can read stories and snuggle with the kids. After the hustle and bustle of our busy day it is so nice to have peace and quiet and hear about how their day went and catch up on sweet hugs and kisses. Here are my handsome boys doing just that:

So sorry this picture is upside down. This is a picture of the first love note to M from a boy- a boy named Jayden. Jayden and M have been buds since kindergarten. Apparently the relationship has progressed despite our constant reminders to M that right now boys are just friends! Here's how the story goes: the note was deposited in M's locker. Now that he has confessed his love to her they are both too shy to speak face to face. All communication between the two happens via a mutual friend named Tyler!
And now for "the rest of the story" (Paul Harvey anyone?) A week or so ago (Feb 2015) Jayden asked M if she wanted to play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. M came home pretty excited and nervous at the prospect. She wanted to play, but didn't know anything about the "teenage pootant ninja turtles" as J calls them. So Jared told her all about how to be April so she could play TMNT with her old pal Jayden. The said recess play date has not happened yet. We will see how this little second grade social drama plays out...

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