Later, after we picked up Maile we went to "Chips and Chapters" At the library. Every body got a little bag of chips and the librarian read the first couple chapters of a book- to be continued next week. M really enjoyed that and J even sat and listened the first twenty minutes - thanks to the chips!
After that we had to go pick out a new microwave. Sadly, ours didn't wake up this morning. It has been on the brink for at least a year. The button to open it broke and then fixed itself, then it would only run for eight minutes max - if you cooked something for that long it had to rest for the rest of the night. Then the other morning it wasn't working but came on by lunch time. I thought that might be the case today but no such luck. Goodbye not-so-trusty microwave. You got me through a lot of leftovers, popcorn, and bottles. I'll not-so-much miss your melted spot where I left a bag of popcorn in you for about four minutes too long. You served me well!
Finally, we had a gift sent to us to celebrate M doing so well at school and so we had to go get Mexican for some cheese dip. It was yummy! Thanks for the treat!
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