
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Shredded Wheat

Dear shredded wheat,
I truly dislike you. I knew that when I picked you off the shelf and put you in my buggy. Actually, it was your sister, Strawberry Shredded Wheat that I brought home. I had hoped my oldest might eat you. I was so wrong. And it's no wonder. When I have you for breakfast, I actually have to check the contents of my bowl to make sure I am not eating hay. That's right, hay-as in for horses. Throughout my life I have tried numerous times to like you. And I just don't. Triumphantly I declare that I ate the whole box of your sister and will never be eating you, or any of your family members, ever again. Sincerely, me.

Ps more important posts coming mañana.


  1. Next time, send them here! I LOVE them! Especially the strawberry. And also, they have tons of iron.

  2. iron schmiron! It tastes like hay! I will eat spinach all day and get my iron. no more shredded wheat for me! :)I didn't know you loved it though!
